Solidarity greetings 2025

Best Wishes

Since 2021, we have organized solidarity greetings every year.

On January 31th, we welcomed Béatrice Callens, from Clowns Z’Hôpitaux, and Kim Leforestier, from Gustave Roussy, at our Paris headquarters.

As a reminder:

  • Members of Clowns Z’Hôpitaux organize solidarity actions for the benefit of suffering children and adults, in hospitals and nursing homes.
  • The team of researchers against childhood cancers at Gustave Roussy, which we have chosen to support, takes care of children and adolescents suffering from all types of pediatric cancer.


These gatherings are a good way to remember that beyond our busy daily lives and our professional and personal duties, showing solidarity is essential.

Once again, please accept our best wishes for 2025. ✨